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How to Care for Cloth Diapers?

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-07-29      Origin: Site


Used diapers

We suggest changing diapers after 2-3 hours. However, every baby is different and it depends on the age. The ideal time can differ.

Store a diaper soiled with urine in a plastic bucket with a closable lid.
If soiled with stool, flush the solid parts into your toilet. Wash off what remains by a shower and wring the diapers. Use bile soap to treat any stool stains and place the diaper into the bucket. If you know from experience that your washing powder can deal with these stains, then it's not necessary to use bile soap. Diapers can be stored this way (in dry conditions) for up to 2-3 days. Exceeding this limit leads to wear of the material or to growth of mold. We recommend dripping a little bit of essential oil on the lid.


The first step is setting the washing machine or rinsing with centrifugation. Do not add washing powder, water is enough.
After this step, feel free to start up the main program with temperature as recommended; however usually up to 60 degrees.
Use the washing powder (powder or gel) you're used to and the quality of which you already know. It is important not to overfill the washing machine. If your washing machine can take up to 5,5 kg of dry laundry, it is optimal to not wash more than 4,5 kg. Why? The diapers absorb a lot of water and they'd be washed in too little water. They wouldn't be rinsed enough which is the biggest cause of diaper stiffness or odor. Don't use shortened programs (ECO). If your washing machine allows you to use more water, select this option.

WARNING, don't use fabric softener!


Dry the diapers freely hung on a line or clotheshorse. A dryer can be used, however be sure to select a program for delicate clothes. It is possible to dry on a radiator if it's not too hot; just be careful because diapers dried this way get stiffer. WARNING, do not dry upper panties or pocket panties with a PUL waterproofed layer (breathable membrane) on a radiator.
Sun is the best stain remover. Hang the diapers so that the white side faces the sun because otherwise it may fade the pretty colorful design.
It is possible to use an adequate amount of vinegar for rinsing and softening.
Other possible liquid stain removers can be used only exactly according to their instructions; their prolonged use can damage the material.
Chlorine-based products, for example Savo, can be used only on white diapers because they'd bleach the colors; and we don't want that.
When dry, the diapers can be folded and used again 

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