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Your ideas are your world

Views: 9     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-07-28      Origin: Site


General Manager Jin Jianming founded Pujiang Longxiang Industry and Trade in 2009 to engage in the production and sales of cloth diapers.

Development, from 2012 to 2015, Pu Ting Hao Jing Knitting and Gang Ju Import and Export Co., Ltd. were established respectively.

The level of attention is getting higher and higher, and there are hundreds of registered trademarks at home and abroad, and the products cover maternal and child products, pet products

The products are sold on more than 30 international platforms. In 2022, it will be deployed in the next three years to build "Happy Flute" mothers and babies in China

Various brands of supplies!

Mr. Jin said that the development of the company is inseparable from the joint efforts of the team, and he is also grateful for his persistence over the years.

Studying tirelessly, investing in your brain, changing your thinking and improving your landscape. Learning Path from Alibaba .From Chenggong Camp to Jucheng to Huashang College and now Chengfeng, many people have witnessed personal growth along the way, and also . Witnessed the development of the company! Finally, Mr. Jin ended his wonderful speech with "Your concept is your world!"


Under the leadership of Jin Jianming, general manager of Longxiang Company, the visiting study group visited the company's office environment, production workshop, warehouse and sample room.

Mr. Jin introduced that the quality of the products must be good nowadays. For my cloth diaper products, any one I take out from the warehouse is a sample. Unlike more than ten years ago, the samples were different from the real ones, so I had to make samples deliberately.


​Copyright 2022 Pujiang Longxiang Industry and Trade Co., Ltd.​​​​​​​